Wednesday, January 29, 2020

transmission tower climber salary

Is the tour technician career for you?

As interest in Telecom Technical College grows, so do questions about careers in the industry. What is a tower technician, also known as a tower climber? What does this imply? What type of training do I need? At TelTech, we are trained to guide people in their careers by providing them with all the information they need to make an informed decision. Is the tour technician career for you? Let's take a look at the industry, the job and the skills needed.

What is a climber?

Very simple, a tower climber is a technician who performs maintenance and repair of trees and radio towers. They climb a cell tower, which can measure 500 feet or more, and maintain cell phone towers, change transmission lines, repair lighting systems, power lines or antennas. Sometimes maintenance is more ordinary, like changing a light bulb.

What are the requirements for being a tour technician?

Although it varies by company and job, typical job requirements may include the ability to climb more than 200 feet a day, work all year, and work in most weather conditions. Remember, many of these jobs work on cell phone towers and cell service is a basic requirement that does not require a day off. Other requirements may include basic platforms, familiarity with OSHA requirements and RF knowledge. The work can vary greatly for tower technicians, but the basic basics required to be a tower climber are consistent and training is essential.

Is certification required for this job?

As more and more employers understand the need for their tower technicians to be highly skilled in basic concepts such as climber safety, rigging, OSHA standards and the fundamentals of RF, the desire to 'hiring certified people in the field is increasing. the experience required largely depends on the company. Many companies transmission tower climber salary don't even care about inexperienced tower climbers, while others will consider a combination of experience and training. Training and certifications are some of the most crucial aspects of being a tower climber. Knowing how to use safety equipment properly and what to do in an emergency can mean the difference between life and death, or at least can prevent accidents and possible business meetings. Getting your certifications before being hired is a big step as it demonstrates initiative and commitment in working in the sector. TelTech Telecommunications Tower Technician certification is a good option for this type of training.